The Power of Words

January 23, 2025

But the tongue can no man tame; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison. James 3:8

With words we are able to influence others through encouragement or discouragement. A single word can lift a person up or destroy their character. With only one word great careers have started and ended – hired or fired. Our words are mighty.

The Bible states that the tongue is so powerful it cannot be tamed. Men have succeeded in capturing and taming all kinds of wild animals, catching the fiercest predators and placing them on display. Yet, no man has been able to subdue the tongue. At times, men and women may exercise control over the tongue but they will never tame it. Their self-control will soon give way to boisterous tantrums or subtle insults. It is impossible to have complete control over our tongue, not to mention the tongues of others. 

Are we without hope? No. The Lord is able to regulate our tongue when we yield our bodies to Him (Romans 12:1-2).  With God’s help you can say the right words, in the correct way, at the right time.

Your words will reveal your heart. Good words give the impression of a righteous man, while filthy words give the impression of a wicked man. Our speech tells others who we are, it gives us away, whether we belong to God or not. 

So consider your words and choose them wisely.

Thanks for reading…

Pastor Ramirez