Our LifeSteps classes meet on Sunday Mornings at 10:00 AM.
What each class has in common:
The classes meet at the same time every Sunday. Each class covers the same lesson in a classroom setting, which ensures that everyone in the church is going through the Bible and offers opportunity for families to discuss God’s Word throughout the week. Study guides are provided for each class.
What makes each class unique:
The classes meet by age groups: Nursery, Children, Youth, Adults, and Senior Adults. Biblical truths are taught in each class along with practical lessons for immediate application. Classes schedule their own events and activities. Every member is strengthened in God’s Word and encouraged through class fellowships.
Nursery care is provided for children two and under during scheduled church services. Children are cared for and encouraged through Biblical principles in a Godly environment.
Children are an heritage of the LORD… Psalms 127:3 Children are a blessing and we strive to encourage them in the Lord. Bible classes are offered every Sunday where children are taught Biblical truths and encouraged to apply these truths to their lives. Memory Clubs encourage children to read and memorize God’s Word. Vacation Bible School takes place during the summer and other activities are scheduled throughout the year.
As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth. Psalm 127:4 Young people are important to the Lord and to our church. We provide weekly Bible Classes where they are taught Biblical principles they can apply daily. Teen Clubs encourage the young people of our church to search God’s Word for answers, memorize His Word, and live by it. Outings and activities provide opportunities for fellowship.
Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend. Proverbs 27:17 Adult Bible Classes take place every Sunday morning at 10:00. Each class teaches a lesson from God’s Word with emphasis on practical application. The classes are also encouraged to meet for other times of fellowship. Men’s breakfasts, Ladies’ fellowships, and other conferences take place throughout the year so that our members will be encouraged with God’s Word and through Christian fellowship.