2024 Vacation Bible School

Join us this Summer for our annual Vacation Bible School as we adventure through the book of Nehemiah! Fill out the form below if you plan on attending so we can plan for your visit! We can’t wait to see you real soon!


We do Vacation Bible School a little differently here at Central! Instead of the traditional week long event, we spread the fun out over an entire month! Life is busy. It can be hard on parents to bring their child to church every single night for a whole week. So, we have created a special experience every single Sunday night in the month of July!

Our goal and prayer for children at Central is that we show God’s endless love to everyone that walks through our doors! We aim to provide children a fun, exciting, and memorable experience while also teaching them God’s truths.

Here at central we believe we can serve and glorify God and have a fun and exciting experience at the same time. Our Vacation Bible School is full of enjoyment while still teaching God’s Holy Word. Each Sunday night we will have a recreational game, a snack, crafts, an amusing puppet show, and lots of music that aims to glorify the Lord!

At most Vacation Bible Schools, the spotlight is on kids up to 6th grade—and we love focusing on them, too! But at Central, we’re also passionate about reaching our youth. That’s why we’ve created special sessions specifically for teenagers navigating today’s dynamic culture. Our youth will dive deep into the powerful teachings of Nehemiah, learning how to relate these timeless lessons to their own lives. Plus, they’ll experience a host of fun and thrilling activities designed just for them. Join us for a VBS where every young person is valued and challenged!

This year we will have a total of four sessions. Each one revolving around Nehemiah and his journey to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. Every Sunday we will focus on a different topic of Nehemiah and the faith he had to glorify God no matter where he was.

Every year we have a missionary story that is shared with the children at the end of the night.
This year we will be learning about Jacob DeShazer. A missionary to Japan.