Still a Baptist Sunday

Central Baptist Church 15601 Taylor Loop Road, Little Rock, AR, United States

Guest Preacher: Bro. Jerry Locke Bro. Locke is the former Pastor of Lake Worth Baptist Church, Ft. Worth, TX, where he pastored for 33 years. God has allowed him to expand his ministry through books, preaching, and conducting seminars around the world. Fellowship lunch after service. 

Thanksgiving Service and Dinner

A sign up sheet for food is located on the gymnasium bulletin wall. There will be no evening service.

Gingerbread House Fellowship

The 6th annual Gingerbread House Fellowship: bring your favorite candy and creative ideas for creating your edible home! One of the favorite church fellowships of the year - you don't want to miss this one! After the morning service, everyone is welcome to go have lunch and then meet back at the church to decorate …