Father’s Day Service

Central Baptist Church 15601 Taylor Loop Road, Little Rock, AR, United States

Join us as we worship God and give thanks to Him for all the fathers in our lives.

Church Workshop: Christians in a Changing Culture

10:00-10:45a: "Living for Christ in the Workplace" presented by Bro. Steve Nelson 11:00-11:45a: "Importance of a God Glorifying Home" presented by Pastor Cory Ramirez 12p: Lunch provided by the Church

Fellowship Lunch

Following the morning worship service there will be a fellowship lunch in the gymnasium. Please bring a covered dish to share.

Ministry Morning

From cleaning the church building, to taking to the streets to be a witness. There are plenty of options and areas to serve the Lord on Saturdays at Central. We …


Morning Fellowship: 10a Service: 11a Fellowship Lunch: Soup and Stew Sunday @12p