Fellowship Lunch

Following the morning worship service there will be a fellowship lunch in the gymnasium. Please bring a covered dish to share.

Men’s Breakfast

Breakfast will be served at 8:30a but feel free to come sooner if you enjoy cooking or just want to fellowship ahead of time.

Family Night

Come out at 6 for a great time of fellowship! Show up relaxed and ready for a good time of games and food!

SNAC (Sunday Night After Church) – Senior Adult Class

  Our Senior Class is going out for their monthly dinner. The perfect opportunity to grow closer to an area of our church family that might be going through similar things you are going through. Set in a more relaxed and comfortable environment, we hope to see you soon!

Ministry Morning

From cleaning the church building, to taking to the streets to be a witness. There are plenty of options and areas to serve the Lord on Saturdays at Central. We appreciate any and all help!