Where’s Your Faith Placed?

September 28, 2023

He that trusteth in his riches shall fall: but the righteous shall flourish as a branch. Proverbs 11:28

Where’s your faith placed? Whom or what do you trust in?

A common problem is to trust in our riches. To place faith in our possessions or to lean upon our wealth. There are several problems with this.

When you depend upon your wealth it will become your main goal in life. You will do whatever necessary to attain riches and keep them.

Worldly wealth is uncertain. Riches will fade away, can change in value, and might be lost or even stolen.

Trusting in riches will lead your heart away from God. You will depend upon wealth instead of trusting in the LORD who has blessed you with those riches. This misplaced faith will not secure favor with God, only leave you in despair and discouragement.

No amount of wealth can provide what’s needed for your soul, only a real and personal relationship with God offers this, which is had when you receive Jesus Christ into your heart. As you grow in God’s grace and trust in Him you will find joy, peace, contentment, strength, and wisdom. Like a flourishing branch, your life will be prosperous and strong.

The problem is not with riches, but the dependence upon those riches. Be grateful for your blessings and place your trust in God. 

Thanks for reading…

Pastor Ramirez