Be Faithful at All Times


When Life is Unfair

Who said life is fair? Everyone must deal with difficulties, such as loss, unmet expectations, and change. Daniel was no different. His hopes and dreams of being a leader in Israel were dashed the day he was marched out of Jerusalem. 

By the way, Daniel was never given a choice in the matter. He did not choose for his nation to be conquered, and he certainly never volunteered for captivity. 

It was life. It was unfair. 

How Daniel responded is refreshing. No griping or grumbling came from his lips. The young man refused to complain or quit because he did not get that which was wanted or expected. Instead Daniel trusted in the LORD to work all things out.

When life is unfair you must remember that the LORD remains in control. Be faithful. 

When the Future is Uncertain

Daniel and his companions were taken to a foreign country to serve an ambitious king. At the moment, that’s all they knew about their future. 

What would tomorrow hold, or next month, or next year? How would they survive? Would they survive? These and many more questions probably occupied their thoughts. Life changed drastically and their future remained a mystery. 

The problem with uncertainty is that it can discourage the soul. It’s easy to become troubled over the unknown. What might happen? What could be? The discouraged person is tempted to be complacent or to quit altogether. 

What did Daniel do? What could a person that loves God do? Daniel lived by faith, every day trusting in the LORD to direct his steps. The LORD would take care of Daniel and his future.

Although the future remains a mystery to you, the LORD knows all that will transpire. Be faithful.

When the World is Unkind

Daniel and his companions were taken from their families, removed from their homes, led away from their beloved city, and stripped of their nationality. 

But that was not enough. They were given new names. The conquering king was not satisfied with their presence in his land, he also wanted their full allegiance. So their names were changed in an effort to make them forsake their upbringing and their God. 

This cruel and intolerant treatment did not determine Daniel’s conduct. He refused to quit and never forsook his God. Instead of blaming God for the difficulty, Daniel looked to the LORD for strength. Nothing could be done to turn Daniel’s heart from his God.

The world may rob you of many things but it can never take your heart if it belongs to the LORD. Be faithful.

The tragic turn of events did not defeat Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah. The young men glorified God, lived life to the fullest, and excelled in a foreign land.

They were faithful.